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Canada Gilbert Branch Second Shinkyokushin Outdoor Seminar


Date: October 10th, 2021
Place: Mount-Royal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Branch Chief Andre Gilbert

The second edition of the Shinkyokushin outdoor seminar was organized by Shihan André Gilbert in Montreal on 10th October.
Despite uncertain weather forecast, there were approximately 70 participants. There were several workshops where each group worked on different techniques: kihon, ido geiko, kumite, bunkai and katas, as well as bo and tonfa. It was a great success, and everyone involved is very happy with the outcome.

We had the honour of having branch chiefs Shihan Alain Bonnamie, Shihan John Kalaidopoulos and Shihan Luciano Paparella with Sensei Marisa Leone among us. We also want to thank every Shihan, Sensei and Yudansha who came. The organization of WKO-Shinkyokushinkai karate is in very good health and its future is looking very good.