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Brazil Fighting Technique Seminar


Date: July 23, 2023
Location: Ribeirão Pires, São Paulo, Brazil
Organizer: Brazil Branch (Branch Chief Denivaldo Carvalho)

Brazil branch held the fighting technique seminar by Djefini Carvalho in Ribeirão Pires on 23 July.
The event gathered over 120 participants, and Djefini Carvalho taught many fighting techniques
and spoke about her experiences in her 10 South America tournaments that she won and in her
participation at the World Championships. She emphasized her participation in the first World
Championship in which she fought with Veronica Szovest and in another World Championship
where she lost to the champion, Emi Soguchi.
She also talked about her happiness to be participating in the first Shinkyokushinkai World
Championship in the Kata Category and has been training hard to get a good placement.