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Indonesia Karate Seminar 2016


Date: February 19th – 21st, 2016
Place: Bandungan, Ambarawa, Indonesia
Organizer: Indonesia Branch Chief J.B.Sujoto

Around 126 members from 9 provinces came and joined the Karate Seminar 2016 and Dan Test at Bandungan (tourist area), Central Java.
This time we went up the hill of Gedung Songo, which means nine temples.
After taking photos, we finished Kihon and all Katas for Shodan level requirement .
Once we finished the exercises, the rain fell down, so all hurriedly went down to the base camp.
In the afternoon, we continued training for the rest of Kata techniques for Nidan level at dojo Bandungan. We have a branch at Bandungan.
On the next morning, we conducted Dan Test until 11:00 o’clock and after having lunch, all went back to their home town separately.